10 Basic Web Hosting Facts – A Guide for Beginners

web hosting for beginners
Starting-up an online business or a blog has never been this easy! It only takes a few clicks and an information-loaded website entry so you will learn what is at stake for you in the web hosting world.

To help you in this new endeavour, here are 15 web hosting fact for beginners that must read on!

high tech initiative

1. High-powered Tech Initiative

Web hosting service is an Internet hosting practice that provides space and bandwidth via high-powered servers so that every computer will run at fast pace of speed. Web hosting companies have huge networks that maintain high-powered computer servers in physical locations called as data center. These servers are intertwined to a fast and redundant Internet connection. Data centers are equipped with both backup and primary power for easy and fast connection to the web plus a monitoring staff for security purposes.

These web hosting service providers has a disk space and bandwidth which they offer to customers for a regular fee. Once a customer registers, they can have their files uploaded to personal spaces on the web and their information viewed on the web. The said fees are very affordable than putting up your very own data center at home. This is why these hosting companies came to existence. They do all the thinking and problem solving for you; hardware, software, etc.

web hosting type

2. Entrée of Web hosting Types

There are different types of web hosting: shared, dedicated and reseller. All these are for a particular purpose. Let us give you an overview of these web hosting types.

Shared web hosting is a form that is gaining a lot of popularity. There are a lot of websites that hosts on servers and it has a huge data center where it stores these servers. The resources are allocated individually by these websites to other computer. Shared hosting has a disk space portion and bandwidth that makes all these possible. It is the best form for a good cost.

Meanwhile, reseller hosting is good choice for newbies both as to its price, type and popularity. With this, full control is given to a customer’s website. It allows keeping a monthly payment of web hosting customer but to have larger space you need to pay larger hosting company. The more accounts, the more hosting solutions you can avail in just a single location.

Dedicated web hosting, on the other hand, is the solution that you need if you want both power and cost efficient. It is a unique website that resort to buying both equipment and fast web connection that cuts off hundreds of dollars with your monthly payment. It has a single server that you do not share with other hosting companies. This has unique configuration options.

price considerations

3. Price Considerations

A lot of information is left and listed as you decide to get the service a particular web hosting provider. There are plans that need your utmost consideration so you will be able to choose a unique web hosting service. Price is a unique feature to consider. There are companies that have affordable packages that may be lacking in some areas. However, do not let those cheap packages to fool you. There are those which have features that are as good and unique for its prices.

storage and disk capacity

4. Storage Capacity and Disk Space

In all its simplicity, disk space is referred to the extent of physical storage that is desired on a web hosting space to allow files to be stored on the web. Hosting companies have plans that offer its disk space in gigabytes and megabytes. In this case, the more is better.

data transfer bandwidth

5. Data Transfers for Bandwidth

This can make a lot of difference when you choose a web hosting package. The more bandwidth, the better because you can generate more traffic to your site if this is the case. Be careful though because there are companies that may prank you in believing that they have unmetered or unlimited bandwidth.

customer service

6. Exceptional Customer Service

This one is an important feature. There is no doubt that exceptional customer service will provide you with great edge and this is very important for web hosting as well. It is important that you find a hosting company that you can keep in touch with 24/7 because you will never know when a problem may arise. You should choose one that has an available support system.

money back guarantee

7. Money-back Guarantee

There are web hosting company that offer both 30 and 90-day money back guarantee. Be careful though as there are those who says one thing and then changes another overtime. Choose the one that have an excellent reputation on this.

os alternatives

8. OS Alternatives

OS is a software that controls both interaction and efficient in terms of productivity and usability. Here, stability is very important. There are a unique line of websites on the web that is run possibly by Linux and Windows operating system. Generally speaking, Linux is more stable than Windows. Also, there are website which has certain requirements which can be satisfied only by a particular OS provider. So you choose which one.

backup data plan

9. Backup Plans

Data backup have regular schedules on its entire web servers. The more often data backup is done, the better. Web hosting companies these days do this on a daily basis.

cpanel email

10. Control Panel and Email

The control panel is the main area where you will be spending most of your time. The hosting servers have their machines that can be connected through the Internet. It is important that you will use one that is user-friendly and well-organized. A good choice for this interface is Plesk. There are companies that allow you to create the control panel you like to use. Most of them even provide a demo on how to property use a particular hosting plan control panel.

As for email accounts, it is the most important manner of communicating on the web. This is a feature that most hosting companies offer you alongside more space for messages. What you need to do is to check which spaces have both small amount and number of message areas.

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