15 Tips to Get Comments on Your Blog


Getting your posts out into the web is practically easy. The real challenge comes in gaining readers and people to comment on these posts. However, this shouldn’t be difficult especially if you follow these fifteen simple tips.

1. Content matters.


Comments would pour in only if your content connects to your readers. People would only notice your post if the content is attractive enough and challenges them to ponder on your post. Chances are if they like what you write, you’d not only get comments on your post but increased traffic to your blog or website.

2. Make commenting on your blog easy.


If your website is practically a maze and one needs to study rocket science before finally placing in their comment, you’ll get zero luck at gaining views and comments. A blog should be user and interface friendly that even commenting wouldn’t have to be so difficult. The process of registering and commenting on your blog should be quick and easy. If readers don’t wish to register, give them the option of still commenting on your blog.

3. Ask questions.


If your blog post ends with a question, there is a higher chance people would leave a comment which answers your question. Don’t stop there. Answer them back and engage in a conversation. If you can’t get readers to comment then ask help from a few of your friends or family members. One comment or two will get the ball rolling.

4. Make use of social media plug ins.


Sharing your content onto Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr increases the traffic and readers of your post. Apart from that, users would comment on posts more if they see it trending on such social media sites. Make the most out of these social media platforms.

5. Join in the conversation and be involved.


In connection to number three which is ask questions, always make it a point to converse with your readers. Think of it this way, they’ve spend at least 5 to 10 minutes on your blog post and took this time to comment. Return the favour and answer back. Engage yourself onto the web talk. This not only gives you credibility as a writer but attracts the attention of other readers to comment on the post.

6. Spam comments are a big no.


As much as more comments mean good views, not all comments are golden. Sometimes there are spam type comments that scare the heck out of other readers who would post intellectual comments. Make sure to browse through your posts and delete such spam comments. Better yet, make use of anti-spam apps.

7. Agree to Disagree.


Face it, not everyone who comes across your post would agree with your point of view. Learn to accept this fact and deal with it. In fact, be pleased you have a few nay-sayers which mean your content challenges readers own views which would make them comment on the post.

8. Don’t assume you know everything.


Just because you wrote the article doesn’t mean you know everything and anything about your topic. Allow readers to add ideas to your posts which lead back to number three: ask questions. Ask for feedback as well.

9. Give and take.


If you receive comments from other bloggers, pay it forward. Comment on their blog posts as well. Do not however put links to your comments leading back your post. This will look unprofessional and spam-like.

10. Free stuff.


Trust me on this one. Everyone on the net wants free stuff because the general question on the web is: “What’s in it for me?” Well, if you’ve got the funds for it, hold a contest once in a while. This not only increases followers, subscribers or readers but also increases your web page popularity.

11. Build a relationship with your readers.


Making friends on the web promises the best shot at earning more readers and commenters.

12. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple and smart.


Sure you might have complex ideas about the modern renaissance but would these attract all kinds of readers. Write stuff that would interest people but always remember to keep is simple and smart.

13. Keep writing!


The more you post, the better chances people would notice your blog and soon comment on them.

14. Create controversy.


When Miley Cyrus rocked the VMA in her scandalous performance, almost every blogger on the web wrote about it. Try to be different and create a story out of it that would bamboozle the minds of your readers. Of course, best to keep it low and avoid overkill.

15. Read what other bloggers write and see why they earn more comments.


If you develop that kind of writing, you’ll not only gain more viewers but ultimately get more people to comment on your post.1

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